How do newton's laws of motion apply to everyday life?

These laws tell us exactly how things move or stay still, for example, why you don't float out of bed or fall on the floor of your house. Newton's laws control how cars work, how water flows, how buildings don't fall and, basically, how everything around us moves. According to Newton's first law of motion, a ball that rolls on the ground tends to maintain its state of motion to infinity, if no external force acts on it; however, the frictional force that acts on the ball from the outside helps stop the movement of the ball and stops it. After understanding Newton's law, there are some phenomena around us that implement Newton's three laws of motion.

Newton established the law of universal gravitation based on experimental observations made earlier by Galileo, who noticed that bodies of different masses fall close to the Earth's surface at the same time (that is, Earth's gravity attracts all masses with the same acceleration). The principle of inertia is one of the basic principles of classical physics that is still used today to describe the movement of things and how it is affected by the forces applied to them. This law also means that when two equal forces act on two different bodies, the object with greater mass will have less acceleration and a slower movement, and the object with less mass will have greater acceleration. This is known as Hooke's Law of Elasticity, which indicates that the quantity with which an object changes is linearly related to the force that causes this change.

A similar demonstration of the inertia of movement can be observed when a bowler makes a short run before throwing a ball. When the carpet moves backwards, dust particles get carried away by the air or fall to the floor due to gravity, demonstrating the law of inertia. Newton's law of motion is so popular in the world of Physics that it is named after its inventor, an English scientist named Sir Isaac Newton. The free fall experiment is one of the most important applications of three scientific experiments in physics.

The laws of motion were discovered in 1687 by an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian and author, Sir Issac Newton. Essentially, without an external force being applied or interfering with it, an object will remain at rest or moving at the same speed and in the same direction. This is because Newton's inertia of motion or first law of motion resists the sudden termination of motion and forces the body to maintain its state of motion. Newton demonstrated that these laws, in addition to the law of universal gravitation, can explain Kepler's laws of planetary motion, and these laws are still among the most important physical laws so far.

Unlike Newton's first law, Newton's second law is correlated with the state of an object in motion.

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